Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20, 2015

I was driving near Frazeysburg Ohio on my way home this afternoon and spotted these sand-hill cranes feeding in a field along highway 36. It was cool to see them because I don't think they stick around here and are most likely just stopping during spring migration. It would have been nice to be about 200 yards closer but with wildlife sometimes all you can do is take what you can get, just stopping the truck made them nervous and they began to move away immediately.


  1. Nice images of Sandhill Cranes Matt! I'm so glad you saw these. That is amazing! I'm beginning to think you are a bird magnet. I should not even be surprised. Their call is enchanting. I heard them over the Green river in BG KY in the early mornings, and I asked the rangers about it, and they said yes, that they have a few. It was spring then, but they said they saw them throughout the summer. Frazeys is beautiful country, lots of green space. I like the image of the two in the field also. Good work.

    1. Thanks Adelle! I saw the single bird first and turned around and went back, I saw the pair in a different field a couple miles further and had to turn around again! It was really cool and I had a great time with the sandhills. I was lucky I happened to be scanning the fields while driving or I would most likely have missed them.

    2. Yes you certainly have the "Eagle Eye" Matt! I'm happy for you.
