I was down fishing a local creek this afternoon. I don't take my DSLR camera on fishing trips because I normally wade and there is too much chance of the camera ending up in the drink and it would also be cumbersome to carry. I was working my way back up the creek after catching no fish and feeling about half disgusted when I noticed a couple of cedar waxwings swooping over the water as they often do so I stopped and watched them. I was very near a down tree laying in shallow water. One of the waxwings would sit on the tree and then come off and swoop within just a couple feet of me, they must have a nest close by is the only explanation I have for their behavior as I have found them very difficult to get close to when I have tried approaching them in the past. This went on for quite a few minutes and every time the bird would swoop past me I would move step or two closer to his perch. I eventually got within about 12 feet or so of his favorite spot. Not having a good camera I finally resorted to the I phone that I feel SUCKS for any kind of real photography. Here is the proof that I am correct about pictures taken with cell phones. Even with he poor light today's opportunity to take some amazing shots of one of my favorite bird species, would have yielded fantastic results with the proper camera. Long story concluded, here is a crappy shot of a cedar waxwing.
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