Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 1, 2016

I made a late afternoon trip to Deer Creek Wildlife Area on Memorial day. I actually got a picture of a hen pheasant, unfortunately it came out soft but I am going to post it here anyway. There was a time not so long ago that seeing a wild pheasant in Ohio was a rarity; it is great to see them thriving thanks to good conservation practices and quality habitat management.

I like the reflection in the water on the last shot; the low sun angle added a really nice effect.


  1. Nice images, it is fun to see the pheasants, especially if you get a little "whoop" out of them. Handsome birds. Place up the road here sells them-been wanting to ask you if they would stick around, or more likely run off with the threat of coyotes here. What do they need to make it on their own? I like this image of the ducks also, the nice light. What do you have there?

    1. I think as a general rule that pen raised pheasants have a tough time making it when released to the wild. In addition to predators like you mentioned, the pen birds just don't know how to forage very well. If you fed them they would probably stick around until the predators moved in and I doubt they would successfully reproduce.

      The shot at the bottom was a bunch of wood ducks I found on the marsh at Deer Creek. The light effects and reflection were what I liked about the shot. I felt the softness gave it almost an impressionist type of feel or perhaps a water color painting effect. I normally don't see groups of woodies as large as this bunch I would guess there were 50 or so birds there, the whole flock didn't fit into the frame and I cropped quite a bit out giving it the panorama look.

      Thanks as always for taking time to look and comment. Cheers!
