Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

I have made a couple of equipment upgrades recently, so far the results are good and should steadily get better as I continue to learn and practice. I shot these at Blendon Woods this afternoon.


  1. AhMazing close image of the Wood duck Matt! Better than any I've seen. Most of our visitors have flown on. I spotted 8 wigeons and was happy to see them, but they weren't happy to see me, and off they flew. The cool thing was I got to hear them. They make a neat sound.
    We had a couple of flocks of Ruddy ducks that rested for a week here and they are gone now also. Alot of females and immature males and they had their heads tucked all day so didn't get a shot to show off. Looking for more pics from you...

    1. I do not think I have ever seen a ruddy duck; you are lucky! Thanks for commenting ;)

  2. Great Gobblers! We have 7 this year, and the flock is tearing the sod off everywhere. Makin a Mess. Come shoot some for us!

  3. The turkeys are fired up right now and gobbling like crazy. Thanks Adelle!
