Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016

A few weeks ago I entered one of my pictures in the Ohio Wildlife Legacy Stamp contest. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources prints a collectible stamp and uses proceeds from the sale of the stamp for wildlife conservation and educational programs; learn more by clicking here.

I am extremely excited and humbled to announce my entry won the contest and will be featured on the 2017 Ohio Legacy Wildlife Stamp.This is a tremendous honor and I could not be happier! The folks who have followed my blog for awhile may remember seeing the winning shot back in May of this year.

I want to express my appreciation to Hollie McFadden who's advice I wisely took at the last minute and cropped the photo a bit more making it more suitable for use on a stamp. Thanks Hollie!!!


  1. Matt, this is an awesome shot, and a huge compliment to your work! I know you spent lots of hours shooting wildlife this year, so a more deserving person could not have been found. Congratulations & GREAT Job!
