Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26, 2017 Part II

I made another trip to Delaware this afternoon. I was wading in some flooded timber and had these wood ducks swim within 30' of me and not realize I was there! I had completely camoe'd up and was standing in the open.

February 26, 2016

I went back through the files from Friday and Saturday and added a few more.

This is the female ring-necked duck.

 These are American wigeon.
 Another shot of the green-winged teal.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25, 2017

I made a trip up to Delaware Wildlife Area last night and again early this morning. I was delighted to find some good numbers of early waterfowl migrating.The species I was able to identify were blue winged teal, green winged teal, wood ducks, pin-tail, gadwall, ring-necked ducks, and American widgeon, I was very surprised to see and get some shots of a trio of sand hill cranes.

This is the pin-tail drake; not a terrific shot but better than nothing.
 These are the sandhill cranes nicely silhouetted against the evening sky.

 Ring-necked drake
 Green wing teal drakes and hen.
 I am fairly certain these are gadwalls.

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017

I shot these this evening at Red Bank Marina up at Hoover Reservoir. I was able to get within 30 feet of this gull and he posed very nicely.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

February 11, 2017

I made a short trip up to Hoover Reservoir this morning. I took this very soft shot of the mallard that I liked. I went up to Red Bank Marina and shot the ring-billed gull that posed really nicely on a dock anchor post. I was able to get within about 20 yards of the gull and shot it at about 670 mm.

I don't normally do black and white but this seemed to work.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 5, 2017

I went up to Hoover Reservoir late this afternoon to watch the waterfowl come in to roost for the night. Shot a bunch of mallards flying around and landing and got this interesting ( I think so anyway) shot of a hooded merganser.