Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016

I shot these during a quick trip to Blendon Woods this afternoon. Enjoy!

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016

I took these shots of the hen Barrow's Goldeneye at Hoover Reservoir yesterday. It took a bit of time to get through the several hundred pictures I took yesterday. I would loved to have gotten a drake as well but we don't get to choose which wildlife makes itself available to shoot. I will catch the drake on another day.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 14, 2016

I have been trying for three days to get close to these hooded mergansers; today was the day. These were shot in the spillway beneath Hoover Reservoir. I really love to photograph diver ducks; dead of the winter is the only time I seem to be able to get close enough to get decent shots at them.

 The buffleheads are really cool I think. Because of the dark eyes and the dark head one has to get pretty close to get the eyes to show up; I do not like a waterfowl picture if the eyes are not showing.

The first three are a cool sequence of the drake bathing.

 This is probably my favorite of the day. I like the softness in the image. The camera was using f-10 on automatic; in this shot I manually adjusted it to f-6.3 I sacrificed a bit of sharpness but, I like the effect especially on the hen.

I caught just a touch of the iridescent purple and green in the drakes head; once again just need to get closer.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13, 2016

I shot these at Deer Creek Wildlife Area this afternoon.