Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 24, 2016

I made another quick trip up to Hoover this afternoon. I was surprised to see the green-wing teal around here in the dead of winter; its been a strange year. I am hoping the weather stays good and cold to freeze up even more water and  further concentrate the ducks.

The immature bald eagle was just sitting on the ice about 200 yards from a parking area, it would have been nice to have been closer. I have seen eagles do this in other places so I think it is fairly normal behavior for eagles to perch on the ice like this. Not a great shot but, considering the distance I can live with it.

I got a fairly decent shot of the hen buffle-head, they are very small and I have not been able to get really close to them.  Hope you enjoy these!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016

First post of the new year; I shot these at Hoover Reservoir in Columbus Ohio this afternoon. I really like the shovelers!

 There were a few buffleheads hanging around.

 Lastly some gadwalls.